Wednesday, July 8, 2009

If it's her turn to choose: Definitely, Maybe

"If it's her turn to choose" is a series I've started to help guys navigate the sea of movies your lady might choose when it's her turn to pick. In a nut shell, I'm reviewing a chick flick below to let my male audience know if it's worth fighting about or if you should just let her win this one. You can read about the ratings system in this post. With no further adieu, let's begin.
Movie Title - Definitely, Maybe
Year Released - 2008
Times to avoid being home

Funniness - The movie isn't a slapstick comedy by any means. Most of the humor is dry, but it definitely (maybe) exists throughout the movie. I give it an 8/10.

Predictability - I really had little idea how the movie would end. I had a suspicion that turned out to be right, but it wasn't a lock until there were about 10 minutes left. I can live with that, but because there was never really an ephiphany moment, it doesn't get a perfect score here. Again, it get's an 8/10.

Female Leads - The movie features three female leads: Isla Fisher (No. 31 according to's Top 99 for 2009), Elizabeth Banks (No. 95), and Rachel Weisz (No. 85 in 2008). Obviously, which such talent, I can't give this anything less than a 10.

Scantiness - Unfortunately, the ladies don't have a propensity toward tank tops or even wear shorts. Throughout the movie, Isla Fisher shows a propensity toward miniskirts, so it's not without hope. As such, scantiness only gets 3/10.

Perceived Length - The movie runs about 1:50, which is about right for a movie like this. It really seems to go faster than that, but there are definitely scenes that drag long enough that you'll check the clock a few times a minute to see how long it's been. That said, those moments are scarce, so I'll this a 7.

Lucky Factor - Obviously, this is subject to the woman involved, but I think Definitely, Maybe leaves you with a good chance of getting a yes later on. In my experience, when the characters end happy, so does my lady. I'm sure
there are some that still won't feel like it, so I can't give it a 10 since nothing is guaranteed. (It's something due to biology. I'm told I wouldn't understand.) As a result, I think an 8 is appropriate here.

Miscellaneous - Ryan Reynolds plays the male lead and does a pretty good job at it. I've found that he pretty much exclusively does chick flicks, but he seems to do alright and delivers some decent comedy. Plus if he's not entertaining you in this film, you can always imagine his performance in Van Wilder and how hot Tara Reid used to be. I'll say 6 here.

Boobies!! - No. Unfortunately. You're welcome.

Final Recommendation - The aggregate score for Definitely, Maybe ends up being 7.4 out of 10. As far as chick flicks go, it's one of the better ones I've endured, which I suppose is consistent with the score. I wouldn't go so far as to recommend this for solo viewing (unless your cable box only gets two channels and the other one is showing 300), but there are much more worthwhile issues to fight about. I'd say to suck it up and enjoy as best you can.


  1. Very nice. This is going to be an epic series. Rachel Weisz is scary looking now. What happened to her?

    You should make a poll where people can vote for the next movie in your series for you and your lady friend to watch (and for you to review.) Imagine the possibilities!

  2. In regards to Rachel W, I am referring to the AskMen link that Birdbrain posted.


  3. Yeah it took forever to find this picture. I was going to use one of the ones in the link, but that wouldn't have turned out so well. I thought maybe I just misspelled her name and that Rachel Weiss is really hot. Nope. And Charlie Weis definitely isn't.

  4. 95 is a slap in the face to Elizabeth Banks.

  5. I'd slap her in the face, if you know what I mean.

  6. Gee thanks Ike Turner. She'd welcome it though. Look at her.

  7. I wasn't talking about slapping her with my hand. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.
