Monday, July 6, 2009

The biggest reason I don't mind being a grownup

I know I'm a little late to the party here, but one of the Jonas Brothers is engaged. I know. I know. You don't care. You would if Michael Jackson hadn't died in the same week, but a person can only feign interest in one celebrity-centered over-covered news story at a time. Here's how I see it, and therefore, how you should see it.

Nick is apparently 21 which means he's definitely old enough to be totally sure of his future. Except that his future probably includes less screaming 13-year-olds with more hotel lounges and cheap cruises. I guess since the whole idea of marriage works so well for celebrities that I really don't have room to question them. Just ask Megan Fox's ex.

However, you can't fault him for wanted to lock her up early. The way I see it, the "band" have about 6 months left before their novelty wears off and they join the ranks of boy bands before them. And Creed. At that point, the glasses he's wearing in the picture would just look ridiculous. (Note that I would normally put a picture like this up to mock the person I'm writing about in a situation like this. However, EVERY single picture of Nick Jonas shows him wearing equally retarded sunglasses. Seriously, how lucky is his fiance?)

So how long before we can stop pretending the Jonas Brothers are talented musicians? Probably as soon as the other two brothers get engaged. My suspicion is that's the point when all the 45-year-old women will stop swooning and consequently stop buying their stupid daughters these crappy CDs and concert tickets. Don't worry about how long it might take, I hear the youngest one already has a boyfriend, which leads to my 6 month prediction.

While we await their inevitable (and hopefully disgraceful) fall from fame, here's a song (and album) worth listening to over and over again. And if you decide you don't like it, watch this, then listen to it again. You'll change your tune.


  1. I must admit I have no idea what the Jonas brothers look like individually and before I started reading this post and just saw the picture I thought "What an ugly woman, I wonder what this will be about....?"

  2. Doesn't one have the beetus?

  3. That's the rumor. And instead of simply going about his business, he's decided to let everybody know so he could stay in the limelight as long as possible. It's almost brilliant if he wasn't so annoying.

  4. Hmmmm, their manager should give them all the beetus.

  5. I think he's waiting until their popularity dies off so they can parlay it into 80 google more dollars.
