Thursday, August 20, 2009

Proof that the world is screwed up

Forgive me for being late to the party on this, but legendary musician Michael Jackson died at the ripe old age of 49. You already knew that? Oh.

In other news, Brooks and Dunn have decided to split up. The country duo that formed in 1991 and has won every single country duo award since then decided that this will be their final tour together. I actually can't believe they even have an award for best country duo. Are there others? At the very least, they did inspire this blog greatly with their song Put a Girl in It. (Make sure to turn the volume down before clicking that link.) Best advice ever, and the inspiration for including Miss Strahovski in this post (Want more? Watch Chuck.) even though she's not mentioned again.Though this is probably very upsetting to fans, it's hardly unexpected to those of us with a complete set of teeth. Breaking up was the most logical career move as Brooks and Dunn can now sing about losing their dog, their truck, their wife, and now, each other. Just not together.

Sticking with the country music topic, I just saw this video of Taylor Swift pranking Keith Urban. (Again with the muting.) If this is exciting for a country concert, why on earth do people go? Oh, the song was called "I Want a Kiss." That changes everything. Now seeing Taylor Swift dressed as Paul Stanley makes perfect sense. It's still not funny, but I get it.

Since I'm focusing on news that's at least weeks old, you probably heard about Best Buy selling TVs online for $9.99 and then reneging on the deal, which was lame. However, what you may have missed was a less impressive deal that was being offered on the black market. I imaging the exchange between husband and wife would have proceeded as follows.

Wife: Honey, can you help me get this box out of the car? It's too heavy for me.
Husband: It's the 2 minute warning. Can it wait a few minutes?
W: But you know the last two minutes always take 20.
H: Aww, come on, Honey.
W: It's your loss.
H: Thanks.... Wait. What's that mean?
W: Well, you know how you wanted a bigger TV for our anniversary last month? But we ended up getting new towels for the bathroom?
H: Yeah...
W: Well, go get the box.
H: But there's still 1:58 left. Wait. They just called a time out. I'm on it.
H: You bought a $2000 TV without consulting me?
W: That's not even the best part.
H: That wasn't even a good part...
W: You'll never guess the deal I got on it.
H: Just tell me.
W: No, you have to guess.
H: Well, it was originally $2000, I don't know. $3000?
W: Nope. It was only a hundred bucks.
H: One hundred dollars for a 37" TV? Are you sure the box isn't empty?
W: You tell me.
(opens the box)
H: Dear?
W: Are you excited?
H: You bought me a damn oven door.
W: What? The guy said he needed to make rent and was selling his TV.
H: You just spent $100 on an oven door THAT DOESN'T COME WITH AN OVEN.
W: Honey, don't be mad. I was really trying to do something sweet.
H: Whatever. You better get the money back. NOW.
W: But I need to get ready for my shift at the club tonight.
H: I don't care. Go get my money back.
W: Fine.
(Goes into house to get keys. Comes out with frying pan. Hits husband over his head with pan. Goes to prison. The end.)


  1. um... LOL.

    There was a woman in Cleveland who hit a robber with a saucepan and scared him (and his two buddies) away. That's what the end of your post reminded me of. (

  2. I was specifically asked to stop making fun of Cleveland, so I couldn't bring that up. But thanks for sharing. I guess this mean the river fire is back in season. I just don't see how I can't make fun of it during its 40th anniversary.

  3. I believe the song is called "Kiss a Girl"

  4. I'm sorry. Does that make it funny then?
