Thursday, July 30, 2009
Ten most hated athletes
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Help needed
So there's exhibit A, but there are plenty of other female comedians. For my money, the funniest female comedian is Sarah Silverman even though I don't really enjoy her show. Her standup is alright, but falls into some of the traps other women fall into. If comedians had a set list, most women would have one that looks like the following:
Thankfully, Jimmy has more resources and was able to respond in the only way that made sense.
But that's beside the point. The only reason I can come up with for why females continue to exist in the world of stand up comedy is the two drink minimum. Some people think it's because everybody's funnier when the audience has had a few drinks. They're wrong. It's so the club can avoid a lawsuit for sexism by only requiring two drinks when a woman is performing. Why only when a woman is performing? Because with two drinks any woman turns into Heidi Klum.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
There's a reason they're waiting for a promotion
Monday, July 27, 2009
Speaking of women and their cars
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Five cars the ladies will drive
Toyota Prius - This is probably the most common car you'll see men driving on this list. Consider it a gift to counteract soccer-like scores. However, that doesn't excuse any guy from driving it. Neither does the increased fuel efficiency. Perhaps drivers can use the money you'll save on gas and use it to invest in horse power. Or a set of testicles. The Prius houses a roaring 98 HP, which means it would probably be quicker to just push the car. In fact, it's the first car to be made that weak in a long time. Bonus point if powder blue. The Prius comes in six different colors...not green though. For the most popular "green" car in the country, they're really dropped the ball on the marketing scheme for this one. I guess idiots run foreign car companies, too.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Internet video fun
I heard about this video of people rescuing two people, including a four-year-old, from a burning car on the news this morning and intended to write a post completely ripping on the camera operator for simply filming the rescue and not helping out. However, when I watched it I realized that there were plenty of people already helping, and because of his role, everybody in the world can see that there are still people willing to put themselves in harm's way to help other people.
More internet video news. Apparently, a video of a naked Erin Andrews surfaced over the weekend. It was taken while she was in her hotel room and clearly wasn't taken with her knowledge. Through her lawyers, she has promised both civil and criminal suits though the origin of the video is unknown. I don't have it and won't be posting it here because of the words "civil and criminal" mentioned in the previous sentence. The thing that's the most concerning is the media coverage this has gotten.
And finally, on a much less serious note, I stopped watching ESPN some time ago because I despise nearly every team from Boston, New York, and Chicago. However, due to team ownership obligations and the fact that I don't have to read about certain aforementioned teams there, I can't stop visiting their website. Since I assume most people are in a similar situation, I want to share a Sunday Conversation that recently aired on the network and was recently archived online. Normally, Sunday Conversation is a segment with an emotional interview of Brett Favre speaking about his most recent retirement or Alex Rodriguez about his steroids/gayness/choking (unrelated)/self-loving. Not this week. Check out the video below which features Ben Schwartz interviewing Olympic gymnast, Nastia Liukin.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Throwbama in St. Louis
pitch at the All-Star game two things strike me. First, our esteemed
leader wears mom jeans. Second, and more importantly, he throws like a
girl. Say what you will about George Bush, but the man knew how to
throw a baseball. It probably helps that he once owned a
semi-professional baseball team, but that doesn't excuse Obama for what
he did. As you'll notice during the two minute video, the president did
exactly one thing like a man, and that's his decision to throw from the
mound and not from the grass in front of it. Of course, had he chosen
to throw from the grass, his pitch might have reached the plate.
During his visit to the press box where he talked with the worst
broadcasters in sports not named Musberger, he was asked about the
difference between throwing out the first pitch at the All-Star game
versus a regular game, which he performed as a senator. He mentioned
that as a senator, they just gave him the ball and sent him to the
mound, but as president, he was able to secure some time with Albert
Pujohls (the player who caught the "pitch") in the bullpen to warm up.
That's the most relieving part of the story because if he hadn't been
given the chance to throw ahead of time, his pitch might not have
reached the grass.
So I decided to rewatch the video and figure out exactly what went
wrong, you know, for the good of the president's image and whatnot. My
first thought was maybe he tripped over his jeans, or perhaps they were
too tight. That's when I realized that despite the jeans being loose
enough to suit Manny Ramirez's taste, they still didn't manage to cover
up his ankles. You'd think the first lady and her Jackie O sense of
style that the media can't stop talking about would be able to find a
decent pair of jeans for her husband. You'd be wrong. Discarding that
solution, I watched the video again and realized that when the pitch was
thrown, the camera conveniently forgot to follow the path of the ball,
presumably in case the throw was bad. Unfortunately for all involved,
other cameras were able to see the result of the poor throw, and it was
replayed LeBron's publicist was able to destroy the tapes. I guess it's
better to be the king than president.
Need more? Try Cincinnati mayor Mark Mallory.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Does anybody know the French word for baseball?
In entirely unrelated news, except that somebody has to be the loser, today was Bastille Day in France. Bastille Day celebrates the liberation of the Bastille on July 14th, 1789, which more or less began the process of bringing democracy to France. (On behalf of my American brethren, "You're welcome, freres.") So in honor of France, I've decided to pay them homage by throwing out some props for all the contributions they've made to the world.
Monday, July 13, 2009
If it's her turn to choose: Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Lawmakers are
course, MRDD stands for mental retardation and developmental disabilities, and the word retardation is too insulting to include. To my knowledge, Ohio is the first state to enact such legislation, and I for one couldn't be happier to call myself an Ohioan. To my knowledge, I'm the first person ever to state that publicly.
If it's her turn to choose: Definitely, Maybe
Movie Title - Definitely, MaybeYear Released - 2008Times to avoid being homeTrailer
there are some that still won't feel like it, so I can't give it a 10 since nothing is guaranteed. (It's something due to biology. I'm told I wouldn't understand.) As a result, I think an 8 is appropriate here.
If it's her turn to choose
Monday, July 6, 2009
The biggest reason I don't mind being a grownup
Sunday, July 5, 2009
The first amendment
Blowup 3: I have no idea who this is or what happened. The manager didn't really go nuts, but I love this video for two reasons. First of all, it must be noted that this umpire had to work the field since it's tough for an oompa loompa to see over the catcher. More notably, I think you have to appreciate the effort that the umpire put into running the coach. You just don't see form like that from Major League Umpires.
Blowup 4: This is the most defensive reaction I've ever seen an umpire have.
Blowup 5: Just to prove that getting tossed isn't exclusive to the minors, I bring you a clip of former Baltimore Orioles manager Earl Weaver. The best part of this clip is that the conversation is clearly audible and genuinely funny. Be warned though, arguments with Weaver tend to be rather non-PC and contains extensive strong language.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Bacon on the Fourth of July
Traditionally, I celebrate Independence Day weekend by watching Americans dominate England, this time, across the pond. Yesterday, I revelled in Andy Roddick eliminating the final Englishman from the Wimbledon Semifinals. This morning I'm watching Williams sisters in their All-American final and am a little confused. I thought the women's final was this morning. I'm not sure what kind of father would name their sons Venus and Serena, but I have a suspect in mind.
yesterday, a fire-pit bacon burger at Applebees and homemade pizza with toppings of bacon and pepperoni. Fifteen years ago, the only time I ever remember eating bacon was for brunch on Sunday mornings served on the side of fried eggs. Shortly after that, bacon started showing up in salads and on variations of the Egg McMuffin. However, it seems that only recently have we discovered the joys of topping something as inherently delicious as a cheeseburger or a pizza with such indulgence.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Strawberries and cream...and rum?
The only tennis tournament I'll make it a point to watch...sometimes. I'm not sure what causes me to take an interest in watching a sport with almost no contact. Perhaps I enjoy the tradition that the tournament hosts. It could that I look for every excuse to eat strawberries and cream with champagne for breakfast. (British tennis fans will consume about 17,000 bottles of champagne during the annual fortnight. By definition, champagne is produced only the Champagne region of France. In case you're unaware, the English don't exactly like the French. Just ask this girl. It would seem that Britain would consider using a different drink to avoid giving so much money to their arch nemesis each year. Alas, I digress.) However, the most likely reason for my interest is simple. Wimbledon's schedulers are geniuses as they know to put beauty ahead of talent.